
Tips to Unclog Your Toilet before it Overflows

A clogged toilet is one of the most common household issues that everyone occasionally encounters. Dealing with this problem isn’t…

Water Conservation Tips for Summer

Canadians are among the greatest global consumers of water. A McGill University survey alleges the average Canadian uses 329 litres…

Springtime Basement Leakage: Cleaning Tips

A leaking basement can be common after the winter thaw and spring temperatures warm the ground. When melted snow and…

How Plumbing Maintenance Saves Money

Many homeowners and commercial building owners try to save time and money by solving plumbing issues with instructions found online.…

Avoid Spring Basement Flooding

As spring arrives in Canada, changes in temperature can lead to plumbing problems and flooding. One particular problem is the…

Common Toilet Problems

Most residential or commercial buildings experience toilet problems on occasion. Whether it’s “phantom flushing,” clogged toilets, or leaky seals, several…

Reasons to Install a Garburator

Most garbage disposals or garburators in kitchen sinks have a chamber inside that contains shredding blades. These shredding blades help…

What to Do in a Plumbing Emergency

A plumbing emergency can be problematic in several different ways. If you experience a flood, burst pipe, or other major…

Keep Your House Warm this Winter; Prevent Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are always a problem when they occur. Rather than deal with them as they come, you can take…

How Cold Weather Affects the Plumbing System

Winter is here and soon enough the snow will start falling. While some people enjoy the idea of a “White…

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