How to Spot a Plumbing Leak In Your Building

One of the vital components of a residential or commercial building is reliable plumbing. Water delivery is essential to maintaining a business. It is also essential to maintaining a building where people reside. Hot and cold water delivery can only be guaranteed with an internal plumbing system that is free from common problems like breaks, pressure inconsistencies, and leaks. Leaks are the most common problem because often plumbing in buildings is old or has a degree of neglect.

Here are three ways to tell if the building where you live or do business has a leak problem. Watch for these signs to minimize liability costs, reduce building damage, and keep occupants happy. Water is the one element in a building that should always be monitored, and any leak should be addressed immediately.

Stains in Odd Areas: Seeping water in buildings does not stay in one place. It seeks a pathway out of a contained area. Unfortunately, seeping water can cause a host of aesthetic and structural problems as it ventures through a building. Water is full of minerals. As it dries, it will leave stains. These reddish, brown, and black stains show on drywall, floor laminate, and even concrete exterior surfaces. These unsightly stains are an indication of water building in places it shouldn’t. The culprit is an inner wall leak caused by pipe age, temperature shifts, and faulty plumbing components. When you see these stains, plumbing service is needed immediately to preserve a building’s materials.

Strange Noises: When significant leaks and plumbing cracks form in a building’s pipes, pressure problems arise. Back flow and air pockets impede flow of water throughout the building. Apartment and office buildings are full of sinks, toilets, and (possibly) tubs that require efficient water flow. When leaks are present, continual thumping noises may be heard as if they are coming from the walls. Clanging and thumping noises in plumbing indicate blockages. A single leak (or series of leaks) is likely the culprit.

Increases in Water Bills: Without visual signs and noise indications, there is one sure way to detect a water leak in the plumbing system — a noticeable increase in the water bill without a significant change in regular water use. Municipalities configure water bills according to volume. If a business or building has a radically higher water bill a leak is likely to blame. Plumbers with experience diagnosing hidden leakage problems can restore positive piping conditions, and reduce economic concerns for everyone using the plumbing system.

Commercial and residential building leaks should be addressed by professional plumbers and contractors specializing in plumbing. Minimize potential damage; call Abbey Plumbing & Mechanical at (905) 822-0521 for a building survey, plumbing diagnostic, and quick repair quote.

Categories: Tips
Geoff Bell :

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