How a Poor Plumbing System Affects Health

Most homeowners are conscientious about the cleanliness of their homes. However, we might not think about the harmful bacteria and high concentration of contaminants that drains can harbour. These issues potentially cause serious illness. A poor...

Surefire Ways to Tell If Your Pipes Might Need Replacing

Dealing with a clogged, broken, or slow running sewer line is unpleasant. If you are having issues with the plumbing in the kitchen sink, it is not easy to tell whether the drain is clogged or if the main sewer line is a problem. Before trying...

Preparing Your Plumbing for Summer Vacation

Your summer vacation was terrific! Everyone got along; the scenery was amazing; you spent less than expected; you are refreshed and relaxed. Then you open the door to your house. Disaster! While you were gone, something sprung a leak and, water...

Make Bathroom Plumbing More Energy Efficient

One area of your home that can increase utility bill expenses is your bathroom. Not only is a lot of water used here, electricity usage can also be very high. You can reduce the use of both water and electricity by taking steps to make your...

Remove Clogs and Gun from Your Drain

Understanding how everyday habits create gunk in your drains and pipes helps us prevent future clogs. Here are some practical tips for trouble-free plumbing. To keep drains free of clogs, we need to put as little as possible down them. Things...